Umbria DOP oil
Trasimeno hills
Protected designation of origin Umbria Colli del Trasimeno
What is voluntary certification DOP.
There DOP “Protected Designation of Origin”is a tool that allows agro-food companies to certify that all the production phases that determine the quality and characteristics of their product have taken place in a specific geographical area.
It differs from the IGP "Protected Indication of Origin" in which only one production phase must take place within a specific geographical area.
The EU regulation that regulates the existence of DOP and IGP is number 1151/2012.

This is a voluntary certification as the companies that adhere to these instruments require a third-party certifying body to guarantee that the certified product respects certain characteristics set out in the production specifications.
The DOP and IGP that concern Umbria are:
DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil Umbria
DOP Spelled from Monteleone di Spoleto
DOP Pecorino Toscano
DOP Italian salamini alla cacciatora
IGP Lentil from Castelluccio di Norcia
IGP Colfiorito Red Potato
IGP Norcia ham
IGP White veal from the Central Apennines
IGP Lamb from Central Italy
As can be seen from the simple nomenclature, all the products mentioned already have a geographical indication in their nomenclature, which can concern more or less vast territories, which also occupy more regions or municipalities depending on the product.
But let's focus on the DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil Umbria.
This protected designation of origin must be accompanied by one of the following geographical indications or sub-areas:
“Colli Assisi-Spoleto”
"Martian Hills"
"Amerinian Hills"
"Trasimeno Hills"
"Orvieto hills"
I our case our certified oil is therefore Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Umbria “Colli del Trasimeno”.
The production specification provides for the respect of some fundamental rules during production which I will try to summarize in a more schematic and simplified way:
the olive tree varieties from which the oil is obtained must be Morariolo and Dolce Agogia not less than 15%;Frantoio and Leccino jointly by no less than 65%. Other varieties may compete up to a maximum limit of 20%;
the olive production area includes the territories of the municipalities of: Perugia, Piegaro, Paciano, Panicale, Castiglione del Lago, Magione, Tuoro sul Trasimeno, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Lisciano Niccone, Umbertide, Città di Castello, Monte S. Maria Tiberina, Corciano, Citerna, San Giustino, Montone, Pietralunga. Basically all the municipalities that overlook Lake Trasimeno more or less directly;
The cultivation method of the plants must have a traditional planting layout;
The oil yield must not exceed 17%;
Not yet packaged oil must be stored in stainless steel tanks under inert gas head and temperatures between 16 and 18 degrees centigrade in order to guarantee the conservation of the product for the longest possible time;
the collection must take place by 31 December of each year;
farm and any oil mill and packager, must all be registered with the certifying body and within a given territory;
in order to obtain certification, the oil must be taken from the certifying body subjected to chemical and organoleptic analyses;
the certifying body identified for the PDO Extra Virgin Olive Oil Umbria is the Agri-food Technology Park of Umbria 3A-PTA and on the website is possible to consult the production disciplinary.
Why did we choose to produce our Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Colli del Trasimeno”?
We have chosen to join this voluntary certification because we believe it is one of the ways forward to try to make the most of our traditional olive groves present in the company and which support the modern super-intensive plants of the Favolosa (FS17) and Don Carlo varieties.
Our traditional olive groves with very large planting patterns and centuries-old trees of Dolce Agogia, Frantoio, Leccino and Moraiolo want to tell their stories and to be told and we have started to do so through certification.
And so, our beloved plants around which we spend so many hours pruning them fertilizing them and "combing them" to collect the olives, enter your homes through our bottle of DOP oil that tells you and reminds you aloud:I was produced in Umbria and I come from Lake Trasimeno!